Python | Conditional statements
in real word program is more huge , so we need to skip some statements , and run a specific statements
repeatedly so that you make condition for some specific statement
in python , if and if...else statements are used for decision making
if Statement
if statement is simple decision making statement
if provided condition is true then execute the statement otherwise no
x = 65
y = 75
if x < y :
print("65 is less than 75")
print("this is not If statement")
65 is less than 75
in this above Example, if x is less then to y so execute the statement , otherwise no and "this is not If statement" this statement is always print because it is not containing with if statement
x = 65
y = 75
if x < y:
print("65 is less than 75")
This will show Indentation Error
If…else statement
We can understand the if…else statement using Example
x = 65
y = 75
if x < y :
print("65 is less than 75")
else :
print("65 is not less than 75")
print("this is not If statement")
65 is less than 75
this is not If statement
in this above Example, if x is less then to y so execute the statement , otherwise execute else statement and "this is not If statement" this statement is always print because it is not containing with if statement
x = 95
y = 75
if x < y:
print("95 is less than 75")
print("95 is not less than 75")
print("this is not If statement")
95 is not less than 75
this is not If statement
in this above Example, if x is not less then to y so execute else statement , "this is not If statement" this statement is always print because it is not containing with if statement
Elif statement
elif statement is used for , the if statement condition is not true then try this one
x = 95
y = 75
if x < y:
print("95 is less than 75")
elif x > y:
print("95 is greater than 75")
print("this is not If statement")
95 is greater than 75
this is not If statement
In this shown above Example, when will run the code by python interpreter check the if condition is true or false ,if true then execute statement and false then check elif condition
If true, the execute statement .
If … elif …. else statement
If … elif …. else statement understand using Example
x = 95
y = 95
if x < y:
print("95 is less than 75")
elif x > y:
print("95 is gretar than 75")
else :
print("x equal to y")
print("this is not If statement")
x equal to y
this is not If statement
In this shown above Example, when will run the code by python interpreter check the if condition is true or false ,if false then check elif condition is true or not , elif condition is also false then last run else statement
short-hand if , else statement
It means , write condition in small line of code
In this , there are three components
The condition or expression
The positive value
The negative value
expression ? positive value : negative value
short-hand if
In one line to declare condition, if true then execute statement otherwise no
x = 95
y = 75
if x > y : print ("x is greater than y")
x is greater than y
short-hand if…else
In one line to declare condition, if true then execute statement otherwise no
x = 95
y = 97
print ("x is greater than y") if x > y else print ("x is less than y")
x is less than y
Python |Conditional statment
Python | Conditional statment
in real word program is more huge , so we need to skip some statements , and run a specific statements repeatedly so that you make condition for some specific statment
in python , if and if...else statements are used for decision making
if Statment
if statement is simple decision making statement
if provided condition is true then execute the statement otherwise no
x = 65
y = 75
if x < y:
print("65 is less than 75")
print("this is not If statement")
x is less than y
in this above Example, if x is less then to y so execute the statement , otherwise no
"this is not If statement" this statement is always print beacause it is not containing with if statement
x = 65
y = 75
if x < y:
print("65 is less than 75")
This will show Indention Error