How many ways to redirect one page, another page in moves dot net core ?

How many ways to redirect one page, another page in moves dot net core?How many ways to redirect one page, another page in moves dot net core?

There are many ways to redirect from one page to another.There are described as below.

1) RedirectToAction

It is redirected to a specific action method within the same controller or a different controller

Syntax :

return RedirectToAction(“ActionName”, “ControllerName”);


public class HomeController : Controller


public IActionResult Index()


// Redirect to another action method in the same controller

return RedirectToAction(“About”);

// Redirect to another action method in a different controller

return RedirectToAction(“Index”, “OtherController”);


public IActionResult About()


// Action method logic

return View();


// Other action methods…


2. Redirect

Redirect method allows you to redirect to a specific URL


return Redirect(“");


public class HomeController : Controller


public IActionResult Index()


// Redirect to a specific URL

return Redirect(“");

// Redirect to a relative URL

return Redirect(“/OtherController/OtherAction”);


// Other action methods…


3. RedirectToRoute

Allows you to redirect to a specific route defined in your application’s route configuration


return RedirectToRoute(“routeName”);


public class HomeController : Controller


public IActionResult Index()


// Redirect to a named route

return RedirectToRoute(“MyRoute”);

// Redirect to the default route

return RedirectToRoute(“default”);


// Other action methods…


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